Monday, March 26, 2012

First Tri Club Meeting and Injuries

You know how people say, "I never win anything!" :-(

As of last Wednesday I can't really say that as much, unless it pertains to my age group in an outdoor tri. I went to my first meeting for the St. Louis Tri Club. They're a pretty cool bunch and much smaller than the DC Tri club. Although which club isn't? The first order of business was having all the new members introduce themselves and having a t-shirt thrown at them. Then the VP said it's getting to be warm and sunny out and I have tan lines. She proceeded to pull out a bottle of suntan lotion and whoever has the best tan lines wins the bottle of suntan lotion...

Remember this?
FROM LAST MAY! It's still mostly visible (not really in the mood to take a picture) 10 months later. A whole summer of tanning couldn't cover it up for some strange reason.

I walked up to compare with the two other measly farmers tans and it was unanimous...I WON! I explained how I left my Tri Tats on too long at a race at the beach, everyone laughed and I made a wonderful first impression...Maybe I'll be known as the race number tan guy...better than Fruit Loops like Howard on the Big Bang Theory.

I'll be nice and skin cancer free for at least 2 weeks depending on how long this thing lasts. Who would have thought my stupidity would pay off...even if it's only $7 Cherish the little things.

I've also noticed that almost every blogger I read seems to be injured right now...and training through it...what a surprise. Did you also notice that I like to use ellipses? I guess it's that time of year when training ramps up but not everyone trained enough over the winter to be ready for it. Luckily my 55 mile ride went well this weekend...almost 20 mph average.

Here's to a speedy recovery for everyone:

Oops, wrong type of toast...


1 comment:

  1. Runners and triathletes all preach that one should not train with injuries, but I notice that they all do it anyway! Whats up with that? Haha!
